Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20- April 10

  • Subtract 100 facts in 5 minutes
  • Use multiple strategies (arrays, groups of, number line) to multiply
  • Solve word problems using 2 strategies and explain their thinking
  • Solve Guess and Check word problems using a model to show their thinking
  • Find the area and perimeter of various shapes

Language Arts:
  • Consistently use correct language conventions when writing
  • Locate facts while reading providing evidence
  • Write an animal research report and create a Powerpoint to share their learning with others
  • Read with fluency (111 words in 1min.)
  • Use prefixes and suffixes to change the meaning of words
  • Begin writing persuasive text

  • Describe different plant and animal adaptations in the tundra, desert, rainforest, and forest
  • Explain how plants and animals depend on one another
  • Compare and contrast different habitats and the adaptations used in each
  • Complete their animal research reports and quad-ramas to present and share

  • Desert Museum Field Trip: Thursday 3/23 Please dress your child appropriately for walking on the trails and weather. Also, have your child bring a sack lunch (we are NOT taking coolers), water bottle, and snack

  •  Book Fair: Our class will visit the CV Book Fair on Friday 3/24 after lunch. This is the last day to visit the Book Fair so if you or your child were interested in purchasing items, please send your child with money on Friday to do so

  • Talent Show: Friday 3/24 6:00-8:30pm

  • Spring Break: April 1-April 9