Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28- December 9

  • DIBLES (reading) test Wednesday November 30
  • DRA (reading) testing starting the week of December 5, results will be sent home before winter break 
  • Adopt-A-Family Donations Due no later than Friday 12/16 Please see our class signup sheet to get an idea of items needed but not limited to
  • Class Donations- empty toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, kleenex boxes, cardboard, toothpicks to create a covered wagon
  • Class Holiday Party- Thursday December 22, more information to come! 
Learning at a Glance
Language Arts: 
  • Reading Fluency (pace, tone, expression, etc.)
  • Phonics- vowel team practice (2 vowels next to each other)
  • Nonfiction- describe and use text features appropriately 
  • Write facts they are learning and ask questions they are wondering from nonfiction text
  • Retells (written including key details from beginning, middle, end)
  • Identify and justify the genre
  • Identify and justify the moral
  • Use correct language conventions (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar)
  • Write complete sentences when answering questions
  • Create a timeline with 4 or more events from their life

  • Subtract 30 facts in 1 minute and 100 facts in 5 minutes
  • Subtract and Add 3-4 digit numbers with and without regrouping
  • Solve word problems using more than one strategy and explaining their thinking in writing
  • Create and read pictographs and bar graphs to collect data and ask/answer questions
Social Studies:
  • Learn about the Colonist culture
  • Learn about the Pioneer culture (students will be creating covered wagons in class any donations of empty toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, and/or kleenex boxes, toothpicks, cardboard (thin enough that students can't cut it with their scissors) are appreciated
  • Create a timeline on how we became the United States of America
  • Continue to share and present Geo Georgies as they come! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Upcoming Events! 

Canyon Boo is Friday 10/28 Please remember to help donate candy to the front office for this fun and exciting trick or treating event! 

Halloween costume parade and class party on Monday 10/31 starting at 8:30 on the big field. Please remember no weapons or face paint for the parade.  Students will also need a set of extra clothes! If you are able to help during the party or donate items please contact Ceanne Schneider

Ahoy! It's time for the Scholastic Fall Book Fair. Please sign up to help make our book fair a success and earn books for our school library! Sign up at:

Mrs. Kupper's class will attend the book fair on Thursday 11/3 around 10:45 for 30 minutes if you'd like to send your child to school with money, however it will also be open for students to stop by before school, after school, and during lunch time.  

Author Michelle Nelson-Schmidt will be visiting us Thursday, November 3rd from 1:00-1:45 
Below are some links of Michelle reading a couple of her 

NO EARLY RELEASE November 7 and 
NO SCHOOL November 11 for Veteran's Day

2nd Grade Musical "A Time to Give Thanks" on Tuesday, November 15th @ 6pm in the Canyon View MPR. Please remember to have your child practice their lines and songs using their script at home!

NO EARLY RELEASE November 21 and
NO SCHOOL November 23-27th for Thanksgiving

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17- October 31

Language Arts:
  • Make predictions
  • Ask THICK questions
  • Publish first personal narratives 
  • Phonics- finish up silent e and begin vowel teams
  • Retell 
  • Make connections

  • Addition with regrouping
  • Begin subtraction with regrouping using models and algorithm
  • Situation of the Day
*Once students become more proficient at regrouping (both addition and subtraction) students can use (also an app) to practice their problem solving skills at home.  

  • Write simple plans and follow an investigation
  • Make specific and detailed observations
  • Make specific and detailed predictions

Upcoming Events:
  • Fire Safety Day Snacks due Friday 10/21
  • Fire Safety Day Friday 10/21 on the big field from 8:30-9:30
  • Canyon Boo Friday 10/28
  • Halloween Parade Monday 10/31 8:15 on the big field
  • Halloween Class Party Monday 10/31 following the parade until 9:30am

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12- September 23

Tonight, September 12th, students will be bringing home a book bag.  Now that all reading tests are done and a letter has been sent home with your child's reading level, your child will receive a book bag with 1-3 books at their level to read at home. Book bags will go home every Monday and should be returned every Thursday. If your child has a list of words, please practice them each night and keep them in their bags. I will check their words on Thursday or Friday. 

Please send in a 12X12 inch precut piece of cardboard with your child by Monday 9/19 so that they can make their Arizona salt dough map.  This week we will also be sending home a volunteer opportunity to help make salt dough for our Arizona maps (going home Thursday).

Here is what is happening the next 2 weeks:

  • Subtraction Strategies
  • Addition and Subtraction word problems 
  • Place Value review up to 4 digits
  • 10 more/less and 100 more/less
  • Fact Families
  • Even/Odd numbers

Language Arts:
  • Retells
  • Text to self connections
  • Work on Writing
  • Using complete sentences, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar
  • Alphabetizing

Social Studies:
  • Landforms
  • Arizona symbols (tree, flag, bird, flower)
  • Start preparing for our Salt Dough maps
  • Geo Georgie

Monday, August 15, 2016

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! 

Second graders have been working hard learning routines, procedures, and rules.  Furthermore, in the next few weeks, we will slowly start introducing weekly activities such as what our reading/writing time looks like (Daily 5), completing daily time tests in math (30 facts in 1 minute), spelling, phonics, book bags and more. 

This week students are bringing home their first Reading Log.  Reading Logs will be sent home every Monday. Your child is responsible for reading at least 70 minutes in a week. This breaks down to 10 minutes every day. We understand that some days you and your family are busier than others, so if your child isn't able to read 10 minutes one day, they can always catch up another day or over the weekend. Please keep in mind that your child can read to themselves silently, they can read to someone, you can read to them, and/or they can listen to stories on their electronic device to count towards minutes for their Reading Log. 

At the bottom of every Reading Log, there will always be a comprehension question for your child to answer and work on writing complete sentences with details, correct spelling, grammar, and language conventions. This week I have sent home a sample of how your child may answer their Reading Log this month that we did in class together. Each month the comprehension question will change depending on the skills we are working on in class. Please be sure to check your child's work to make sure it makes sense and they have completed the assignment correctly.   

This year in 2nd grade we will frequently use the website 
This website has numerous stories read aloud to students by a variety of actors. We will be using this website a lot in class as well as for homework occasionally. 


All office forms are due by August 26 (student verification, home-school compact, and discipline conduct agreement)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 13- April 29

Spring Carnival is Friday april 15 @ 4:30pm, I hope to see you there! 

We have begun doing a spiral review of concepts taught this year! We are preparing for our end of the year assessments! 

Language Arts:
Please be sure your child is practicing their reading fluency (oral) every night.  Students are more comfortable reading in their heads and have a harder time reading exactly what is printed on the page out loud.  They can read to you, their siblings, or even their stuffed animals for good practice! 
We have been working hard on writing persuasive essays and publishing our work. 
We have also been working on identifying the most important event in a book and citing the evidence.

Social Studies:
We have just started our Mini Society Unit here in Kupper Canyon! Students have been placed in business teams of their choice, decided on a product, and are working on collecting the supplies they need to make their products. ALL SUPPLIES ARE DUE NO LATER THAN THURSDAY 4/28. Students have been creating our town's laws, learning about what happens when a law is broken, choosing a job, and learning how they get payed and rewarded. Students have also begun learning specific economic vocabulary such as needs, wants, good, services, consumer, producer, etc.   

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dr Seuss week begins!  Please refer to previous blog post for more information! 

Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences:  Friday March 11th DISMISSAL at 11:30am

Language Arts:
  • Begin Animal research and use nonfiction text features to locate key information
  • Identify the Author's Purpose and give reasons to support decision
  • Write an AutoBio poem and publish alliterations
  • Compare rhyme and rhythm in poetry
  • Phonics- vowel teams

  • Subtract 100 facts in 5 minutes
  • Solve a variety of word problems by making sense of the problem and attending to precision
  • Measurement assessments: identify the correct tool/unit in different situations, measure using inches and centimeters to the nearest 1/2 inch, compare measurements
  • Begin Multiplication: building arrays, repeated addition

  • Learn about Desert plant and animal adaptations and how plants and animals depend on one another
  • Begin learning about the Tundra
  • Field Trip: Desert Museum

Monday, February 22, 2016

Upcoming Events:

*Dr. Seuss Week at CV! Feb. 29- March 4
The dress up days are as follows

- Pajama Day
- Crazy Sock Day

Wed- Backwards Day
Thurs- Twin Day FIELD TRIP
​ ​
Character Dress Up

*Field Trip: Desert Museum Thursday March 3
Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for hiking on the trails. Please put sunscreen, a hat, and send your child with a water bottle
If you are interested in joining us on our field trip you are more than welcome to come!  Feel free to meet us at the museum and join your child's group!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching!  

With the recent food changes, there have also been changes in class celebrations.  This year we will not be having an official Valentine's party as we are only allowed 3 parties a year.  Our class has already had 2 parties (Halloween and Holiday).  Our last party will be saved for the end of the year.  At this party, we will be allowed one sweet treat to celebrate! 

Please keep in mind while shopping for Valentine cards, students are NOT allowed to pass out any candy or treats in their Valentines. 

If your child attends Read Strong, please be sure to check your email.  Mrs. Grandi has included a link to complete an online Read Strong Summer School Reading Survey, by Feb. 1st.  Below I have also attached the link:

Friday, January 15, 2016

2nd Grade Puppet Show!

When?  Wednesday January 20, 2016

Where?  2nd Grade Pod

Time?   10:20-11:20am

Hope to see you all there! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Please be aware that as of today, Friday January 8, 2016, there can not be any food that is brought in to share with classmates.  This goes for birthday celebrations, class parties (Valentine's Day and End of the Year), or special class treats. 

Valentines CAN NOT include candy or other treats as well. 

Students can only bring in food for themselves for snack and lunch time.  Thank you for your cooperation! 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 4- January 15

Welcome back!

We have a busy 2 weeks ahead in 2nd grade, here's what's going on! 

Ms. Gwen, our puppeteer will begin working with students January 11 creating their very own glove puppet.  Please be sure your child brings in 1 empty toilet paper roll or paper towel roll cut in half to create their puppet!  We have a very generous supply started thanks to the Roberts Family!  

Math:  Money- counting, adding, and subtracting passed $1
Time- to the minute, reading clocks, and drawing the hands, using more than one way to describe the time (i.e.: 4:15 or a quarter after 4), using am and pm 
Word Problems- explaining our thinking and showing multiple strategies
Fractions- looking at pictures and describing the shaded and unshaded regions, fractions of a set, equivalent fractions

Language Arts:  Retell, Identify the genre, explain the moral, read nonfiction text using the text features, writing procedural text, vowel teams, write a story about the puppet they are creating using descriptive words 

Science:  Digestive system- label the parts, describe the basic function, ways to take care of it, and describe the process
Respiratory system-  label the parts, describe the basic function, ways to take care of it, and describe the process
Circulatory system-  label the parts, describe the basic function, ways to take care of it, and describe the process