January 6- January 17
Language Arts:
*Read with fluency
*Retell just right books
*Make predictions and ask questions while reading
*Identify the genre and moral of a story
*Use correct language conventions when writing
*Write a personal narrative about one event that happened over the winter break
*Publish one piece of writing (personal narrative or expository text)
*Begin Stanford 10 test prep: test taking strategies
*Subtract 100 facts in 5 minutes
*Solve a variety of word problems using multiple strategies and explain their thinking
*Begin our fractions unit: fractions of a whole and fractions of a set
*Review 2-3 digit addition and subtraction with/without regrouping
*Begin Stanford 10 test prep: test taking strategies
Help your child prepare for Stanford 10 at home:
App: Splash Math (2nd grade)- Review a variety of math skills/concept
Website: thinkingblocks.com- Word Problems
*Begin learning about the human body and nutrition: Digestive, Respiratory, and Circulatory systems
Thanks to all the parents that helped make our holiday party a success!