Trade coins and show multiple ways to show the same amount of money
Solve money word problems
Add/Subtract money amounts using the decimal point
Continue to review telling time to the minute
Language Arts:
Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast stories
Identify the main idea and details in a text
Write a story about their puppet
Read with fluency
Edit sentences using correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar
Write procedural text for the three body systems (digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems)
Publish procedural text using Word
Identify the problem and solution in fictional text
Use nonfiction text features to gather/share information
Social Studies:
Create a timeline of MLK Jr. life
Explain the significance behind Civil Rights Day
Label the parts of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems
Write out the process of each system
Explain warning signs our bodies give us if the system is not functioning properly
Explain ways that they can keep these three systems healthy and working properly
Upcoming Events/Reminders
Students will begin making their puppets with Ms. Gwen beginning Wednesday Jan. 18. Our class will be putting on a puppet show for YOU on Thursday January 26. The time has not been decided yet, however your child will be sending home an invitation next week!
100th Day of school is on Monday Jan. 23 Your child will be asked to dress up as if they were 100 years old! We will be sending home a letter next week giving suggestions/ideas on how your child can participate without spending any money! We will also be doing some activities in class to celebrate.