Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year!
Second graders have been working hard learning routines, procedures, and rules. Furthermore, in the next few weeks, we will slowly start introducing weekly activities such as what our reading/writing time looks like (Daily 5), completing daily time tests in math (30 facts in 1 minute), spelling, phonics, book bags and more.
This week students are bringing home their first Reading Log. Reading Logs will be sent home every Monday. Your child is responsible for reading at least 70 minutes in a week. This breaks down to 10 minutes every day. We understand that some days you and your family are busier than others, so if your child isn't able to read 10 minutes one day, they can always catch up another day or over the weekend. Please keep in mind that your child can read to themselves silently, they can read to someone, you can read to them, and/or they can listen to stories on their electronic device to count towards minutes for their Reading Log.
At the bottom of every Reading Log, there will always be a comprehension question for your child to answer and work on writing complete sentences with details, correct spelling, grammar, and language conventions. This week I have sent home a sample of how your child may answer their Reading Log this month that we did in class together. Each month the comprehension question will change depending on the skills we are working on in class. Please be sure to check your child's work to make sure it makes sense and they have completed the assignment correctly.
This year in 2nd grade we will frequently use the website
This website has numerous stories read aloud to students by a variety of actors. We will be using this website a lot in class as well as for homework occasionally.
All office forms are due by August 26 (student verification, home-school compact, and discipline conduct agreement)