Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dr Seuss week begins!  Please refer to previous blog post for more information! 

Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences:  Friday March 11th DISMISSAL at 11:30am

Language Arts:
  • Begin Animal research and use nonfiction text features to locate key information
  • Identify the Author's Purpose and give reasons to support decision
  • Write an AutoBio poem and publish alliterations
  • Compare rhyme and rhythm in poetry
  • Phonics- vowel teams

  • Subtract 100 facts in 5 minutes
  • Solve a variety of word problems by making sense of the problem and attending to precision
  • Measurement assessments: identify the correct tool/unit in different situations, measure using inches and centimeters to the nearest 1/2 inch, compare measurements
  • Begin Multiplication: building arrays, repeated addition

  • Learn about Desert plant and animal adaptations and how plants and animals depend on one another
  • Begin learning about the Tundra
  • Field Trip: Desert Museum

Monday, February 22, 2016

Upcoming Events:

*Dr. Seuss Week at CV! Feb. 29- March 4
The dress up days are as follows

- Pajama Day
- Crazy Sock Day

Wed- Backwards Day
Thurs- Twin Day FIELD TRIP
​ ​
Character Dress Up

*Field Trip: Desert Museum Thursday March 3
Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for hiking on the trails. Please put sunscreen, a hat, and send your child with a water bottle
If you are interested in joining us on our field trip you are more than welcome to come!  Feel free to meet us at the museum and join your child's group!