Dr Seuss week begins! Please refer to previous blog post for more information!
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences: Friday March 11th DISMISSAL at 11:30am
Language Arts:
- Begin Animal research and use nonfiction text features to locate key information
- Identify the Author's Purpose and give reasons to support decision
- Write an AutoBio poem and publish alliterations
- Compare rhyme and rhythm in poetry
- Phonics- vowel teams
- Subtract 100 facts in 5 minutes
- Solve a variety of word problems by making sense of the problem and attending to precision
- Measurement assessments: identify the correct tool/unit in different situations, measure using inches and centimeters to the nearest 1/2 inch, compare measurements
- Begin Multiplication: building arrays, repeated addition
- Learn about Desert plant and animal adaptations and how plants and animals depend on one another
- Begin learning about the Tundra
- Field Trip: Desert Museum