Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Here is a fun website we have been using in class to listen to stories! Students can listen to a variety of stories read by actors! 

2nd Grade Homework Schedule

In second grade homework for the week will always follow the same pattern. This way students and parents know what to expect each week.  

Monday:  Reading Log, Spelling, Book Bag

Tuesday:  Language Arts activity

Wednesday:  Math practice

Thursday:  Science/Social Studies (may be a language arts assignment if students need extra practice on a specific skill)

Friday: Nothing (please be sure students are working on their Reading Logs since they are due every Monday)

Due Dates for Assignments:

Reading Logs are due every Monday

Book Bags are due every Thursday

Spelling tests are every Friday

All other assignments, unless noted, are always due the next school day

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Welcome 2nd Grade Families! 

This is our class blog where I will keep everyone up to date on current events, what is happening in the classroom, and links to helpful websites to use at home! 

We had a great first day!  Students are starting to learn routines and procedures, our classroom rules, and become independent.  Students have set up their binders which will go to and from school each day.  The first pocket of their binder will always be their homework for the night.  They also have a planner where they will record their homework every night, and a folder.  It is important to check their folder each night and empty it.  Graded work, work that needs to be corrected, and any notes or fliers from school will be in them.  

Students should have gone over their blue "Plan for Success" with you.  Students will take a plan home this week and next.  After the end of next week, only students who are struggling to follow our Coyote Code will receive a plan. I will mark the character pillar they struggled with and a brief explanation of the incident.  Please be sure to sign the plan that night and discuss with your child what happened.  

I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!