Welcome to Mrs. Kupper's 2nd Grade Blog!
Here you will find out what we are working on in the classroom, important notices/changes, and special events coming up! Please visit this blog to stay informed on what your child is doing each week!
Week of September 16 and Week of September 23
Students will be able to:
Math: write numbers in standard, expanded, word form, and draw base 10 blocks, use mental math (time tests), solve word problems using more than 1 strategy, decompose numbers.
Reading/Writing: use correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, write a bold beginning, mighty middle, and exciting ending, retell a just right book, and make a text to self connection.
Social Studies: identify our city, state, mayor, governor, president, state bird, flag, tree, flower, use an alphanumeric grid to locate places, read a map key, locate the equator, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, coast, valley, mountains, and compass rose on a globe, create a salt dough map of Arizona's landforms, and write a Geo Georgie letter to a friend or family member.
Upcoming Events:
*Salt Dough (for those who volunteered) is due Wednesday September 25
*Salt Dough maps: Friday September 27 from 10:15-11:15 ALL are welcome to come and help!